Red Sky Performance, Trace - A woman with a long black braid, has her back to the camera and her arms out wide turned up to the sky. She has a white leotard, arms bands and body paint on. She is standing in front of a dark circle, that could be interpreted as the sun or moon, with a neon green aura.


Photo Credit: David Hou

Equity, Diversity and Inclusion

At Live Art Dance, we believe that embracing diversity in contemporary dance brings value and strength to our company, our work and our community. Canada is one of the most culturally diverse countries in the world, and as the premier dance presenter in Atlantic Canada, we want our presentations to reflect that diversity.

Relevancy and Accessibility

Our aim is to be an arts organization that is relevant, accessible and welcoming to everyone, combating all forms of unlawful discrimination, harassment, victimization and retaliation. We will always be learning about how to create this diverse, inclusive environment, and pledge to approach this work ready to listen with authenticity, transparency and respect.

All members of the Live Art Dance community share the responsibility for creating a supportive and inclusive environment. The Live Art Dance community is accountable to:

  • Foster a culture that embraces equity, diversity, inclusion and belonging
  • Acknowledge and address the biases, underlying beliefs and values, assumptions and stereotypes that inhibit opportunity in work and learning environments
  • Welcome, embrace, and foster positive, informed and inclusive attitudes towards each other
  • Provide environments that are free of discrimination and harassment, and are inclusive of all individuals
  • Ensure the inclusion of perspectives and voices of underrepresented groups in decision-making

Live Art Dance is an equal opportunity employer and holds the policy that there should be no discrimination, harassment, victimization or retaliation in our community because of any protected characteristic outlined in the Nova Scotia Human Rights Act. Live Art Dance is committed to building diversity and inclusion in the workplace.

Land Acknowledgement

Live Art Dance is located in Kjipuktuk and presents performances throughout Mi’kma’ki, which continues to be the traditional, unsurrendered, and unceded territory of the Mi’kmaq people. We have gratitude for this land, and respect and appreciation for its many generations of caretakers, past, present and future.

Artists are the stewards of culture, and with this in mind Live Art engages in the continuous process of learning about how our company can improve relations with and support Indigenous people. The territory we reside one is included in the “Treaties of Peace and Friendship” which Mi’kmaq and Wolastoqiyik (Maliseet) people first signed with the British Crown in 1725. As an organization, we commit to learning what it means to be Treaty People and invite you to educate yourself alongside us, with the links below as a resource.

Informational Links:
​Learn more about Treaty Education in Nova Scotia/Mi’kma’ki
See Territories, Languages & Treaties on this Interactive Map
Join us on the Decolonization Learning Journey provided by CSC NS
Read the National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation Reports
This page links you to many more websites and resources (Mi’kmaq Online)


Live Art Dance is in the process of making ourselves more accessible to all of our patrons. Please see the Accessibility Guide for each of our presentations this season on that presentations page under ‘What’s On’. Included in this guide is information about accessibility parking, reserved seating for those with disabilities, content warnings and more.

We welcome feedback and input from those with lived experience. If you have a suggestion on how we can make our space more accessible to you please gives us a call at 902 420-0003 or [email protected].